Shape of a memory
Dimension: 210×150 cm; Composition: acrylic and oil on canvas
Lucrarea personală “Shape of a memory” reprezintă materializarea vizuala a ideii de amintire și se focusează pe decriptarea in limbaj plastic a constituirii psihice a memoriei din frânturi de viață deja trăite. Trecutul devine un prezent continuu retrăit de fiecare data prin intermediul amintirii, drept oglindire a experiențelor și trairilor, in cadrul mental.
The personal work “Shape of a memory” represents the visual materialization of the idea of memory and focuses on the decryption in plastic language of the psychic constitution of the memory from fragments of life already lived. The past becomes a continuous present relived each time through memory, as a reflection of experiences and feelings, in the mental framework.