Dimension: 70×50 cm; Composition: charcoal and liner on cardboard
RO: Manifestarea ordinii universale se realizeaza intr-un singur sens , unul ascendent, ce tinde catre desavarsire , spre armonie spirituală . Operele maestrului Constantin Brâncuși recompun intr-un chip esențializat ideea de cosmos .Drept evidență , “Coloana nesfarsita “, vazuta in perspectiva si cu caracter de Axa a Lumii , sustine ideea de eternitate , de evolutie , progres. Acest Axis Mundi face legatura dintre mic si inalt , intre cer si pamant , intre sacru si profan
EN: The manifestation of the universal order is realized in only one sense, an ascending one, which tends towards perfection, towards spiritual harmony. The works of the master Constantin Brâncuși recompose the idea of the cosmos in an essentialized way. As a matter of fact, the “Endless Column”, seen in perspective and with the character of the Axis of the World, supports the idea of eternity, evolution, progress. This Axis Mundi makes the connection between small and high, between heaven and earth, between sacred and profane